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The centre-feed paper dispenser is a practical and hygienic hand drying system suitable for catering, healthcare,…
Choose a reliable, environmentally friendly solution - the Aqualine classic cotton roller towel unit. The soft texture…
A reliable environmentally friendly solution: the cotton roller towel dispenser from the Phoenix range. This cotton…
The paper roller towel dispenser with a reserve system from the Phoenix range. This is an ideal solution to avoid waste…
A reliable environmentally friendly solution: The Phoenix range Non-touch Ecopaper Dispenser with reserve is an ideal…
Add a touch of style to your washrooms with our Fusion folded paper towel dispensers. The paper towels are delivered…
A reliable environmentally friendly solution: the folded paper towel dispenser from the Phoenix range. This cotton hand…
Offer efficient and purely hygienic hand towels to your guests and employees. The folded paper towel dispenser has an…
A groundbreaking innovative design, the HYCARE unit is a non-touch automatic towel which lights up as the user…
For maximum hygiene and avoid waste of consumables, opt for our No touch paper roll dispenser with reserve. Contactless…
The no-touch paper roller towel dispenser is sensor activated and requires no contact by the user. Just a wave of the…
To minimise wastage, we propose this roller paper hand towel unit with a reserve incorporated. The patented spare…
Choose a hygienic, convenient product for your waste management. Our bin is fitted with a lid with a slit to keep the…
Manage your waste hygienically and with a touch of style with the Fusion bin. Available in both 20 litre and 50 litre…
Very convenient to use, this bin is the ideal supplement to the paper towel products. The foot-pedal activation means…
This pulsed-air hand dryer with a compact, simple design easily fits into all types of washrooms including the smallest…
A stylish, reliable and environmentally friendly hand drying solution - the Fusion Retractable Cotton Roller Towel…
Reliable and environmentally friendly, the Aqualine Retractable Cotton Roller Towel dispenser automatically retracts…
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